Our group did the presentation on 25th march and after viewing the video recording of the Oral presentation 2 , I felt that as a whole my group did an excellent job and most importantly we made sure that we didn’t repeat the same mistakes which we did in the Oral presentation 1 viz. extending the presentation beyond the allotted time and we made sure that the presentation slides were clearly visible to the audience rather than being fancy.Though the presentation went fine, I personally feel that I need to improve a lot in a few areas.
After reviewing the video, I came across quite a few negatives from my presentation which I think needs to be improved. First of all, I came to know that for most part of my presentation I was either caught looking at the cue cards or looking at the screen . I seriously lacked eye contact with the audience and quite a few times, I used the word “user” instead of the word “consumer” and it just tells about my insufficient preparation in my part and to be honest our group thought of having a rehearsal before the actual presentation but unfortunately we couldn’t have it and because of insufficient preparation, I felt a bit nervous during my presentation.
Some of the positives from this Oral presentation are I made sure that I didn’t communicate to the audience in haste and I was 60% successful achieving it as quite a few times I communicated to them in haste and I made sure that I explain my part clearly to the audience and I was happy since I never interrupted my team member’s when they were communicating to the audience .
Overall, Satisfied with my performance and I am sure that I will rectify the mistakes from this Oral presentation and hope to have a fruitful one in the near future.
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI noticed just now that you have the same group as CG1102 lab (with only Jian Hwee missing). It must be good for your group because as a team, you can easily refer to your previous performance to bring the current one to the next level of improvement.
It is great to see your team progressed from the first presentation you had. The visual aids were much clearer and more meaningful and there was effective use of it by employing relevant illustrations. Together with the visual aids, a very layman-friendly presentation was achieved.
I must say that I was able to gain knowledge through your presentation in regard to health and nutrition. Because of that, your group made an effective presentation in informing the audience with relevant details.
One thing I notice and would like to make a suggestion is in the give-away portion. In my opinion, this became a source of distraction for the audience because they had to take and/or pass the boxes and read the labels during the “talk”. It could have been better if the snacks were given and distributed before the presentation started so that distraction during the presentation was brought to a minimum. (This is what our CG1102 team did with the handouts for OP1 to minimize distraction during the presentation).
By the way, thanks for the free snacks! =)
Hi Santhosh !
ReplyDeleteWell, this entire experience has been really taxing on all of us and I am glad that the final product (Oral Presentation 2) was miles better than our first presentation.
Firstly, I do agree with you that perhaps we could have been better prepared. There was clearly an element of doubt and nerves in all of us as we had not a proper rehearsal. Personally, I was really stressed that I was not able to sync the animations with the oral delivery. Luckily, it went generally smoothly.
Secondly, I must commend you for maintaining your composure throughout the oral presentation. As a team player, you were really focused and responsible in your duties. However there are some areas that could be worked upon.
Santhosh, you tend to not enunciate your points and lack in engaging with your audience. I suppose with more practice and experience you could rectify these problems and be the effective and impactful presenter I know you could be.
Best Regards,
Hello Santhosh!
ReplyDeleteFirst I'd like to commend on the improvements made compared to the first oral presentation. I'm sure all of us did have some sort of improvements in one way or another. Every presentation is like a practice. In order to get better and better, we have to go through this.
To be honest, nervousness will always be there and it will affect our performance. This is the same for my case as well. However, I feel that after sufficient work and practice, the nerves will not affect as much anymore. They say "practice makes perfect", and I can't help but to agree fully.
It is great that you picked up certain important points from the previous oral presentation and improved on it. Let us hope that we will do a better job in the next one!
Hey Santosh,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, i think that your group made tremendous improvements from your presentation from the first. Not only did you guys manage to stick to the timing allocated, but you guys also did not try to overload the audience with information from your speeches.
As a result i found it easier to understand the point of your speech, and it tied in nicely with what you were showing on the screen as well. Your personal performance has also improved too! I felt that you spoke too fast previously, but you clearly tried to eradicate that problem and i must say it did improve and helped us to understand better.
However, i felt that there were parts where your voice started to taper off and we couldn't catch what you wanted to say, perhaps this was because you were unsure if you had trailed away from the what was projected on the slides? I believe that this can probably be rememdied, as you said, with proper rehearsal prior to the presentation.
Once again congratulations on having dealt with this project and concluding it! I believe that you managed to understand the points needed to give a good presentation!
Hey Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI’m glad to know that you did managed to be mindful of your previous concerns and be satisfied with your performance! Your team has indeed managed your time well this time round! The slides also looked more appropriate and professional compared to the slides used in OP1. In my opinion, the presentation provided a whole load of interesting information and allowed me to gain a lot from it.
During your part, I did notice that you tend to look back at the slides quite frequently and it might have affected the projection of your voice to the audience. In OP1, I realised that you had lesser reliance on the slides and you only used them when you wanted to point out the codes to us. Like you mentioned, rehearsal would have helped you familiarise with the content and reduce the reliance on the cue cards or the slides. Nevertheless, it was pleasing to see that you did not show tension in your facial expression even though you were a little nervous!
I hope that you’ll be able to rectify your concerns and I look forward to your next presentation! Good luck for your Oral defense!:)
Win Yee
Hi Santosh,
ReplyDeleteFirstly I would like to commend you and your team for a job well done. Amidst the CG1102 labs and the CG1108 project, we had our CG1413 OP2 and it was good to see that you and your team came up with a good and engaging presentation.
It was pleasing to see that your team had learnt from your previous mistakes and managed to complete your presentation within the allocated time. You as a speaker have improved quite a lot from OP1. You managed to slow down your pace but I still feel you need to be slower as I do tend to lose you while you are speaking. Perhaps I feel u need to focus more on diction and enunciation.
Another negative aspect I noticed was that you avoid eye contact with the audiences. While speaking you constantly look at the screen and appear as though you are addressing the screen. I feel rehearsing in front of your team members will allow you to work over this aspect of your presentation.
Finally I would like to suggest you to actively take part in the Q&A session. Like OP1, I noticed that you quite content in standing behind and letting your team members do the talking.
Best of luck for your Oral Defence!
Saurabh Arora
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteSeeing that the composition of your group is almost the same as your last presentation, I can see that it allowed your group to fix most of your previous problems, and subsequently bring out a better presentation than the first.
It may be an advantage for the time being, but it may also be a disadvantage in the long run.
As being in different groups exposes you to different situations and different set-ups of teams, it provides you with additional skills to handle different people and experience different problems.
However, most real life teams are usually built over a period of time; hence it is not an issue to worry about experiencing different sets of problems now, instead we should focus on improving our individual skills.
While reading through your blog post, I was reminded of that particular time whereby you stood up in class and gave a self introduction of yourself. Initially my impression was that you spoke too fast, and it was really difficult to catch what you were saying.
In just a few weeks (and maybe months), you improved significantly. I no longer had any problem understanding what you were saying. You appeared more confident, and your speech was clearer. It is amazing what this course had done to you... haha.
Zhen Yong