It’s hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of this semester and clearly the time is running very fast. Tracing back, initially I was under the impression that "Teamwork and communication" was more of natural ability and can be developed only through years of practice but within few weeks I was proved to be wrong as I realized that it could infact hone one’s communication skills in such a short span of time.
Until semester 2, I never got an opportunity to work with a team but to my surprise three of my modules in semester 2 viz. CG1413, CG1102, CG1108 required team work and as mentioned in my post 1, I had the habit of speaking in haste and as a result I failed to be an effective team member initially as my team members weren’t able to follow me and It took me some time to lower my pace. I personally felt that working with my multicultural group gave me a global exposure and I have clearly understood the reason why team work is important in today’s context. Through this module, I have learnt various skills needed to be an effective team member and I hope to implement them effectively in the future.
The other important thing which I learnt from this module is the 7c’s which I negelected initially and from then I made sure that I implement them not only in my writing assignments but also when sending mails, etc. I personally felt that Oral presentation 1 was an eye opener to me as it highlighted my poor delivery and presentation skills and I thought recording the presentation was a good initiative as it helped me to notice and correct my mistakes and I admit that CG1413 has helped me to communicate and collaborate with my peers on a multitude of platforms, be it blogs, wikis, presentations, meetings and classroom activities. Blogging is one of the activities which I thoroughly enjoyed throughout the course.
This module has helped me realize that I greatly need to improve on my team work skills and presentation skills and, Learning is a continuous process and I will continue to improve upon my flaws and I would like to thank Mr. James and all my team mates for being supportive and I hope to become an effective team member in the near future !!!!
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear that you had an eye-opening experience in this module and had made a considerable jumpstart in your pursuit towards becoming an effective communicator.
This being our first semester whereby teamwork and projects has been given a lot of emphasis took some getting used to initially. However I am glad that you managed to reap benefits from all the interactions you had with your group. You managed to understand better the intercultural complexities and dynamics of any given team. This knowledge would be handy in the globalized workforce we would be entering.
CG1413 has definitely enabled everyone of us to pick up on our weaknesses. You mentioned that you became aware of areas that needs improvements by reviewing your oral presentation 1 recording . Such knowledge to better improve ourselves is indispensable and valuable.
Furthermore, after you had ascertained that you tend to speak in haste, you made a conscious effort to enunciate your words and slow down. I believe with practice and experience, this would become second nature to you.
I wish you all the best in your continued pursuit towards becoming an effective communicator.
Best Regards,
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI agree that it’s hard to believe that it is almost the end of the semester. Time flies very fast when one is occupied with a lot of things. Since CG1413 contributed and required lots of those things, indeed, time flew very fast with CG1413. Hahas!
It’s great to hear that you have learned a lot of different things from this module. It even became an eye-opener for you which is a very important realization. With it, you were able to consciously improve yourself in different ways.
I do believe that in due time, given enough practice and exposure, you will be able to achieve your goals related to becoming an excellent team member and communicator in the future. You have been doing good and steady progress so far. I observe that you become better and better every step of the way. Keep it up!
In the next years, we will be able to practice more and more as we take one module after another. When the time comes for us to enter and join the workforce, we will be graduates with competitive edge over others. Thanks for the training that we have been receiving from our efficient and effective professors under the Computer Engineering Program.
All the best with your future endeavors!
Hello Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteTime surely flew by fast. Before I knew it, it was already the last day! I must say the projects definitely took up the most part of this semester.
First things first, I must commend that you managed to improve on the speed of your speech. I know it can be quite hard to change since it has already become a habit from a long time ago, but you were able to do it. Kudos! Some might think it is just a small matter, but being able to bring your point across clearly is definitely one of the aspects of effective communication.
It's great that you were able to utilize the many skills that were taught during the course of CG1413. I have a feeling you might start blogging on your own and I hope to chance upon it.
I'm certain you will continue to improve on your communication skills throughout your life and you will eventually get better and better.
Finally, all the best for your future endeavors! But first, good luck for the exams!
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI’ll have to agree on the point that communication skills can be honed and improved if we put in enough effort.
True enough, those guys with the natural ability to communicate may have an advantage over people like us initially, but it’s the same with academic studies, right? If we try hard enough, we would eventually be on par with them, be it academic studies or communication skills.
Similar to your experience, I must say that I’ve learnt much from this semester as well. A couple of points that I can relate to in our post is the realization of the several important things which I previously weren’t able to put into practice. (Such as the 7cs and evaluating ourselves from the recorded video.)
Lastly, you also mentioned that you thoroughly enjoyed the blogging activities in this module. Well, I can’t say that I hated doing blogs, but I just didn’t love it that much.
True enough, writing blogs and comments can be enjoyable but only at times when I had the time to do it. But when it comes to busy schedules and projects beings forced down our throats, sometimes blogging can be a pain.
Overall, I would rate this semester as fun, exciting and challenging, but the workload can be unbearable at times. Well, things always come at a price, don’t they?
Zhen Yong
Hi Santhosh,
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear that this module has helped you in analyzing yourself and hence helping you in improving yourself. As we all are aware it is really important for us to know how to work in teams as in future this will form the basis of our jobs. All the software and programs that we will create down the line will be a collective effect and if it hadn’t been for Mr. James and his team, we wouldn’t have picked up the skills required to succeed in the future.
Being your team member in the CG1108 group, I have to confess that in the first few weeks of the semester, I had a hard time in understanding what you were saying because of your fast pace, but gladly as time passed you slowed down. This is where the video recordings helped us. As we all were quite repelled by this idea, it surprises me to know that all of us benefited from it.
I feel that the video recordings were a masterstroke and were the highlights of the course. It allowed us to look at ourselves from a third person’s perspective, identify our weakness and work on them.
I would like to wish you all the best in your future endeavors. It was pleasant experience teaming up with you and sharing the class with you.
Saurabh Arora
I enjoyed every bit of your post. It is very informative and helpful to me as well as to all the others. Thanks for taking the time to discuss on this. http://www.doortraining.co.in/solutions/training/individual-effectiveness/communication-teamwork
ReplyDeleteIt is communication that transfers what you think within your mind to those around you. Effective communication will help you build strong relationships with your colleagues as well as seniors.
ReplyDeletePresentation Skills Training
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